Examining English as Foreign Language Instructors’ Perception of Pedagogical Competence: Iranian High School, Institute and University Instructors in Focus

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of English, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza, Iran

2 Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Pedagogical competence plays a crucial role in teachers’ qualifications in different contexts. Teachers’ pedagogical competence in teaching different language skills has a great influence on students’ achievement. As a result, having enough information about teachers’ pedagogical competence may determine the quality and efficacy of teaching. Therefore, the present study was an attempt to examine Iranian EFL teachers’ perception of their levels of pedagogical competence in English language teaching. A mixed methods design was utilized for data collocation. The data were collected from 375 EFL teachers in the quantitative and qualitative phases, respectively. The participants were selected through convenience sampling among those who were teaching English at different institutes (N=125), high schools (N=125), and universities (N=125) in Tehran and Khuzestan, Iran. In order to reach the purposes of the current research, the participants were required to fill out one questionnaire, namely English language teachers’ pedagogical competence, and one interview. To analyze the raw data, descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. Findings revealed that there were not any significant differences among the high school, language institute, and university EFL teachers’ overall means of pedagogical competence. The results of the current study may be beneficial to language institute administrators, EFL teachers, teacher trainers, and materials developers.


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