Interrelationship among Foreign Language Reading Anxiety, Reading Proficiency and Text Feature Awareness in the University Context

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic Azad University, Jiroft Branch, Iran

2 Shahid Bahonar University, Iran


This paper reports the results of a study designed to investigate the interrelationship of Foreign Language Reading Anxiety (FLRA), Reading Proficiency (RP) and Text Feature Awareness (TFA). The aim was to focus on how foreign language reading anxiety and text feature awareness are related and how, in turn, they affect students reading proficiency. That is, it south to determine how these three constructs correlate with each other.
         This study surveyed and analyzed 74 students from Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. The results indicated that there is no significant relationship between RP and RA, positive significant relationship between RP and TFA and negative significant relationship between TFA and RA.
     Also results revealed that there is no significant difference between foreign language reading anxiety, reading proficiency and text feature awareness scores of male and female students, as a result; there is no relationship between gender and these three constructs. 


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